<em>Exhibition „Books, directions, audiences“ („Knjige, smjerovi, publika“) in the National and University Library in Zagreb from 3 to 20 July 2018 </em>

Exhibition „Books, directions, audiences“ („Knjige, smjerovi, publika“) in the National and University Library in Zagreb from 3 to 20 July 2018

3 – 20 July 2018
The National and University Library in Zagreb will host in July 2018 the exhibition of the National Library of the Republic of Bulgaria "Sv. Ćiril i Metod" (NKRB) entitled Books, directions, audiences (Knjige, smjerovi, publika) aimed at presenting its valuable fund in the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

The exhibition Books, directions, audiences (Knjige, smjerovi, publika) displays essential  documents from the collections of three departments of the National Library of the Republic of Bulgaria, such as Manuscripts and Old Printed Books, the Oriental Collection and Bulgarian Historical Archives. The exhibition consists of 16 exhibition panels showing a selection of materials with the text and notes in English.

The exhibition is a continuation of consolidation and promotion of centuries of interconnection and cultural cooperation between Bulgaria and Croatia, as well as the result of continued successful cooperation between national libraries of the two countries.
It should be emphasized that as part of earlier bilateral cultural co-operation, the exhibition Sacred Tongue of my Predecessors: Croatian-Bulgarian Parallels was organized in 2015 at the National and University Library in Zagreb (NSK) in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria to Croatia and the Croatian-Bulgarian Society from Zagreb. The material selected for the exhibition and the most important themes displayed on the panels show the presence of Bulgaria and Bulgarians in Croatian literature since ancient times through a series of different themes. In 2017, the exhibition was also presented to the Bulgarian public at the University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski" in Sofia in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia to the Republic of Bulgaria and the University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski "in Sofia, while the virtual exhibition Sacred Tongue of my Predecessors: Croatian-Bulgarian Parallels represents additional value and a permanent record.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition Books, directions, audiences (Knjige, smjerovi, publika) will be held on 3 July at 13.00 h in the lobby of the National and University Library in Zagreb and for all those interested to visit, the exhibition will stay open until 20 July 2018.